Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Long Live The Dark Side

So we made the Soap Opera Digest's Insider email mailing again:

The original:

that I designed for our pro-Evil Ejami postcard campaign.

The blurb that goes along with it is "Naughty fans mailed in 'be evil with me' cards for Sami and EJ. That entertains me." Seriously? "Naughty" fans? Try smart ones. Don't patronize me, SOD. It's 2008. People are ready to love evil couples. Just ask Chuck and Blair on Gossip Girl.

Anyway, as usual, I didn't do any actual work, and all the thanks should go to UHcougar for ordering them and everyone who sent them in.

Ejami Christmas Solidarity Banner

Miss Ejami this Christmas season? Feel free to use my banner wherever you'd like.