Friday, May 9, 2008

So Much for Stealth

Apparently this showed up in Soap Opera Digest's Insider email mailing

Which suspiciously looks a lot like this

that I designed for our pro-Ejami postcard campaign.

The blurb that goes along with it is "DAYS's Sami and EJ are getting close and 'Ejami' fans are showing their support with glossy postcards, bearing pictures of the duo on their wedding day, smooching and holding hands." Is that what I was doing? I thought I was demonstrating EJ's complete acceptance of Sami's true self, but hey, close enough. Anyway, I find this rather hilarious. After all, there's nothing like your anonymous fan art featured in a soap opera magazine mass mailing email.

I'd like to thank Baremingal for doing the actual work involved here with getting people excited and sending out the postcards, and the GNU Image Manipulation Program aka GIMP that I used for the image composition. Take that, Photoshop.

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

Jawn, you weirdo. That’s hilarious.

Nice outfits. EJ looks great as usual as you have to love the black, and I enjoy how Sami dresses up to be with him. And the cheesy porno music is back! Oh, yeah baby! I’ve missed you!

“You’re a DiMera.” Damn right she is EJ. And of course you have no problem living in your family’s mansion.

I love Sami and hate Marlena, so you can guess whose side I’m on here.

“The whole town knew about our J&M desk sex.”
“I didn’t.” Bwah! You didn’t have to fast forward through the incessant flashbacks on Tuesday.

“You’re having sex with Nicole, aren’t you?” Way to sugarcoat it with your mom right there, Sami.

Now what’s stupider here, that the DiMansion suddenly has a fax machine or that they are faxing the decision over? I’m torn. At least Immigration Dude is done and this part of the story is over.

“My cold dead hands!” Um, Sami, have you seen EJ? Don’t even bother. He is getting that paper.

“Don’t spoil the mood.” Champagne and shutting down Sami’s annulment talk? Someone is in charge today.

Grade: B+. Still too much J&M, but I like how Sami’s bad girl side is resurfacing and how EJ is playing her. We’re moving along.