Wearing his all black suit, EJ is out with the twins when he runs into Hope.
EJ (smiling): "Good morning!"
Hope (surprised at his attire): "Ah, hello, EJ. Yes, it's a...a...beautiful day. So, um, where's Sami?"
EJ (explaining): "Samantha is getting her hair done, so I have the twins for the morning."
Hope (nodding): "Oh, well, that's nice. I, uh, I need to check on Bo at the hospital, so I need to go."
EJ (tilting his head): "Of course. I understand. I hope he's doing better."
Hope (eyeing him): "Me too. Goodbye."
EJ smiles nonthreateningly at her as Hope hurries away. Once she is out of sight, his smile turns into a devilish smirk.
EJ (to the twins): "See, I told you two this would be fun. Let's go scare Kayla next, eh?"
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